
Monday, 11 October 2010

Download Game My Checkers for Nokia 5800, X6, N97, 5233, 5230 and 5530

My Checkers is a nice Java based Checkers, two-player game, where one player is assigned white checkers and the other red. Checkers game is played on the dark squares only. A piece may move one square at a time, diagonally. The aim of the game is to capture the other player's checkers or make them impossible to move.

You can select the skill level of the computer's play: An easy level means that the computer will pick the move that gives it the best immediate outcome without regard to your computer move. The medium level makes the computer a reasonably tricky opponent. A hard level makes the computer extremely difficult to beat, but the amount of time it uses to plan its next move may be prohibitive.


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